大家好!校友会诚邀各位于十月十三日(星期六)相聚于Pochuck Valley果园 , 一起采摘苹果和南瓜,语家人和好友一路共赏宜人的秋色。
Pochuck Valley果园位于新洲 Glenwood市,是该洲最受欢迎的果园之一.果园每年秋季成熟的果实不下数十种。摘苹果季节果园提供经典的路线活动,包括乘车游、采摘苹果和南瓜、、品尝果汁、制作水果饼及点心等内容。这次游园是您和您的亲朋好友亲近自然、体验田园乐趣、享受美好时光的上佳选择。
校友会定于当天上午11点在果园门口集合。校友及家属门票半价,即每人仅收5 元。 根据报名人数,校友会将酌情安排车辆协助校友在唐人街集合。果园的和地址和详细介绍内容请查阅: http://www.pochuckvalleyfarms.com/index. html。
季又明: 732-322-0677 ydianaji@gmail.com;
陈峰: 917-345-3364 fengchen888@yahoo.com;
附:Pochuck Valley果园详细信息: http://www.pochuckvalleyfarms. com/index. html ;
Tel: 973-764-4732
From George Washington Bridge:
Follow signs for 95 to 80 W. Stay on 80W to Rte. 23 N. Stay on 23 N.
approximately 20 miles. Take Highland Lakes/Vernon/ Rte. 515 exit. Follow for approximately 10 miles until you go through 2 traffic light ( Vernon). Make your next left onto Rte. 644 (Vernon Crossing). At end of road make a right onto 517 North. Pochuck Valley Farms is approximately 3 miles on the right before the intersection of 565 and
From New Jersey:
Take 287 North to Route 23. Stay on Route 23 North approximately 14 miles. Take Highland Lakes/Vernon/ Rte. 515 exit. Follow for approximately 10 miles until you go through 2 traffic lights ( Vernon). Make first left after lights onto Rte. 644 (Vernon Crossing). At end of road make a right onto 517 North. Pochuck Valley Farms is approximately 3 miles on the right before the intersection of 565 and 517.