
第一条 本会定名为国立中山大学美东校友会。

第二条 本会以联络感情,砥砺学行为宗旨。

第三条 凡曾在母校(包括母校前身暨归并之院校及研究院, 所, 大学部, 附属中, 小学及幼稚园)毕业, 肆业及教职员工之旅居美东者, 均得申请加入为本会会员。

第四条 本会设理事会, 由理事九人组成,分别兼任下列职务:会长,副会长,秘书,总务,财务,稽核,公关,文娱康乐及学术出版各一人, 均由会员大会选举产生。

第五条 前条各职务,任期一年,除会长仅得连任一次外,其余连选得连任。

第六条 会长退职后,均聘请担任本会顾问,并得参加理事会议及有表决权。

第七条 本会会长,对内主持会务,对外代表本会,会长因故未能执行职务时,由副会长代理;会长,副会长因故未能执行职务时,由秘书代理。

第八条 本会会员大会于每年十一月十一日(校庆日)举行,同时改选担任各职务之全部理事。理事会议,每年举行四次。会员大会及理事会议,必要时得由会长召开临时会议。

第九条 本会会员应缴纳会费,每人每年三十元,多捐者欢迎。如急需巨额款项时,得由理事会议决议进行募捐。

第十条 本会章程,经会员大会通过后施行,修改及解释权属于会员大会,必要时得由理事会议研议提出意见,经聚餐会通过予以修改或解释。并于会员大会举行时,报请追认。如会员大会不予追认时,按会员大会之决议处理。

By-laws of National Sun Yat-sen University Alumni Association, Inc.  

1.   This organization shall be known as "National Sun Yat-sen University Alumni Association, Inc.".

2.   The purposes of the organization are to improve ties and to advance academic and professional excellence among its members.

3.   Any resident in the East Coast of the United States who has graduated from, studied or worked as a faculty or staff member in the Alma Mater National Sun Yat-sen University, including in her predecessor, the colleges or universities that were merged with her, her subsidiary graduate schools, institutes and undergraduate schools, her affiliated middle school, elementary school and kindergarten shall be eligible to apply for membership.  

4.   The organization shall have a Board of Directors consisting of nine persons who shall assume the following functions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Logistics, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Relations, Recreation and Cultural Activities, and Publication. All Directors of the Board shall be elected by members of the organization at the General Assembly.

5.   Officers of the afore-mentioned functions shall serve one-year terms and may stand for re-election for consecutive terms with the exception of the President, who may serve only two consecutive one-year terms.

6.   After the expiration of his or her term(s) of office, the President shall be retained as an ex officio advisor of the Board and may participate in board meetings and shall have the right to vote.

7.   The President shall be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the organization and shall represent the organization in external affairs.  In the event of the President's inability to perform his duties, the Vice President shall substitute by performing the duties of the President. In the event of both the President and Vice President's ability to perform the duties, the Secretary shall substitute in performing such duties

8.   The General Assembly of members shall be held annually on the 11th day of November, which is the Commemoration Day of the Alma Mater. On that day, Re-election shall be held for all offices of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall meet in four sessions per annum. If deemed necessary, the President may call any provisional General Assembly and/or Board of Directors' meeting.

9.   An annual membership due shall be required of each member in the amount of 30 US dollars per annum. Besides, donations are to be welcome. In case of an urgent need for a large amount of funds, a resolution by the Board of Directors shall be required before the solicitation of donations.

10. These by-laws shall be implemented after adoption by the General Assembly of members; the rights to amendments and interpretation reside with the General Assembly. When necessary, the Board of Directors may elaborate and make proposals which, after adoption by members attending a monthly dining gathering, may result in amendments and/or interpretation, to be ratified in the next General Assembly. Should there be no ratification by the General Assembly, the General Assembly’s resolution shall prevail.

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